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Mental Health PDF Print E-mail
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MYTH: Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) can cause mental health problems.

FACT: LGBT people are statistically more likely to have mental health problems than straight people, but it’s often as a result of the prejudice and discrimination they face, NOT the fact that they are LGBT.

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There are a number of factors which may affect the mental health of LGBT people differently to heterosexual people. Coming out, accepting yourself, homophobia at school/work are just a few of the challenges that are unique to being LGBT. A lack of positive LGBT role models means it can sometimes be difficult to know how to be and what to do in challenging situations.

Some LGBT people do not struggle to come out. They have support around them and they have an inner confidence which means they are able to challenge if they feel they are being treated unfairly. However, not all LGBT people have the same experience. This is why there are services available to support LGBT people through some of the tougher times.



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