The desire for sex is closely linked with emotions, feelings and general health and wellbeing. Similarly, a lack of sexual stimulation and/or interest can impact on how we feel and our wellbeing.
Everyone goes through phases of desiring more or less sex. There can be physical reasons for this, such as hormonal disturbances or side effects of medication. There can also be psychological reasons such as stress, low self esteem or mental health issues. Many women experience a loss of sexual desire during menopause or after having a child.
A loss of interest in sex could simply be caused by boredom. Changing sexual behaviour can make it more interesting and create some sexual energy.
In all cases it’s important to keep communicating with your partner.
Sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship – the most important is a healthy foundation of trust and understanding. If you have that foundation a loss of sex drive is just a little bump on the road and can easily be overcome.